Get Telegram Bot Token
To integrate your conversation API with Telegram, you need an access token, which is provided by a Telegram bot.
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To integrate your conversation API with Telegram, you need an access token, which is provided by a Telegram bot.
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We will create a bot in Telegram step by step. If you do not have a Telegram account, please download and install the Telegram application from the app store of your mobile device first.
In Telegram App, Enter “BotFather” in the search tab, and select the verified result with the blue checkmark.
Click START to generate a chat followed by a full list of commands.
Enter the /newbot command or click /newbot to @BotFather.
Choose a name for your bot. It will be used by your subscribers in their conversations.
Choose a username for your bot. It must be unique and end in “bot”. You can find it at “[bot_username] in the search bar. Once yout bot is created, its token is displayed. Please store this token to access the HTTP API.